Given the frequency and intensity of emotional symptoms with mold toxicity, psychiatric health deserves extended attention beyond its connection to brain health.  Anxiety, depression, panic, fear, Post Traumatic Syndrome Disorder (PTSD), and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) are frequently present across the age span in varying degrees.  Some individuals fluctuate between these symptom complexes, while others remain trapped in one.  While medically addressing the root cause of nervous system dysfunction, we must also immediately curb the nervous system issues in the short term in order to make long term restoration a possibility.

The treatment of mold toxicity can be an arduous journey and an adequate level of emotional functioning is necessary for ultimate restoration.  For example, anxiety or depression may prevent initiation of beneficial therapies through a patient’s anxiety related fear or depression related lack of motivation.  Any of the emotional symptoms may interfere with caregiver’s ability to guide the sufferer out of the darkness.  Therefore, we try to help ameliorate emotional symptoms to optimize the patient’s ability to function and proceed with whole person healing therapies.